Saturday, May 16, 2015

Repugnants Renew Attack on Endangered Species Act

The handmaidens of corporatocracy in Congress have long desired emasculation of the Endangered Species Act.  The Act passed in 1973 is the most effective piece of legislation to protect wildlife and their habitat under threat from man's exploitation of the planet.  It has prevented the extinction of numerous species including our nation's symbol, the Bald Eagle. Hundreds more are still imperiled and proposed species listings are backlogged. Corporatists see these proposals as a threat to their profits as the planet's exploitable resources are steadily exhausted. Their reaction has been mean and virulent.

Since January over thirty bills and amendments have been introduced to dismantle or effectively repeal the Act including eight extreme measures that recently received committee hearings, an important step toward passage. Senate Bill 855, sponsored by presidential candidate Rand Paul, would remove at least half of all species from the ESA and would automatically de-list all species after five years regardless of their status. Another attempt to emasculate the science-based critical habitat designation process is S112, which would require consideration of unnecessary economic analysis already taken into account under current provisions. The people in Congress need to hear from Americans who think the Endangered Species is an inspired piece of legislation that should not be deconstructed by those who can only see the bottom line. US Person asks you to write or call your designated poltiican today about protecting Earth and its creatures today.