Friday, January 16, 2015

'Toontime: Foreign Policy or Schizophrenia in Action

The Current Occupant at the end of the year took historic steps to normalize relations with Cuba after half a century of dysfunctional embargo. As a sovereign nation, Cuba has every right in the world to continue on the socialist path and its leaders have announced that it will do so while engaging the colossal corporatist plutocracy that repeatedly attempted to crush its revolution. Cuba has already released some fifty political prisoners as part of the process. Rest assured dear readers, that Repugnants will do everything possible to prevent normalization from occurring. They have already introduced legislation making it illegal to repatriate the remaining prisoners in the Guantanamo gulag. The Current Occupant was forced to sign a defense bill that contained a poison pill keeping the prison open. 'Merica is schizophrenic because its policies are driven by monied special interests who embrace a hegemonic ideology, not enlightened concepts of liberal government.

Pat Bagley, Salt Lake Tribune
Wackydoodle sez:  An black ain't white, an' green is red!
This dysfunction extends to the so-called "war on terror" that has deteriorated into a non-stop subsidization of the armament industries that only incites more insurrection and decreases our real security.

Michael Ramirez, Investors Business Daily
BC Idonwanna sez: Buffalo Soldier run like desert wind!