Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Torture Я US

The Senate Intelligence Committee report on torture by the United States government in its crusade against Islamic jihad is a compendium of horror unparalleled in the nation's history except for the treatment suffered upon native Americans and black slaves who were not considered fully human by racist Anglo-americans*. US Person will not dignify the endemic mendacity, incredible stupidity, and dangerous incompetence behind this ineffective official policy by commenting further here. The disgusting details about horrendous deaths and secret dungeons can be read in the public record, which is itself a highly redacted version of the truth. The fact that the public executive who authorized or allowed these barbaric behaviors tinged with sexual perversion has not been brought before the bar of justice to answer for them speaks undeniable volumes about the moral rot of a republic the perpetrators claim to be defending. These indefensible attrocities maybe in the past, but the world will not forget and perhaps not even forgive that they ever took place.

*By fundamental law blacks were only three-fifths human. Natives were simply savages beyond the pale to be exterminated or segregated onto wasteland white settlers did not want.