Friday, August 08, 2014

'Toontime: Connecting the Dots

credit: Michael Ramirez
Wackydoodle sez: Let Boner sue ISIS and Nouri, get me cup of Joe!
The American military's return to Iraqiville epitomizes the profligate waste of men and material in the Middle East oil wars which four presidents have authorized. ISIS has been empowered by America's unwarranted invasion and occupation of the country for nearly a decade, and by the authoritarian government it left behind to police the sectarian chasm making the arbitrary borders memorialized on paper by imperial powers irrelevant. One need not be reminded that Sadam was holding the country together until he was wrongly accused of harboring terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. That statement is not intended to be an endorsement of his methods. But it difficult for the US to pose self-righteous when it too resorted to immoral, criminal methods when confronted with the chaos of Iraq. Now there really are terrorists operating in each of the countries the United States has attacked ostensibly to make them "safe for democracy". There is no democracy in Iraq, just as there is no democracy in Afghanistan or Libya. Now there is chaos, and these days that is apparently good enough for the corporate militarists that run our central government.

credit: David Fitzsimmons, Arizona Star
BC Idonwanna sez: Fool for client, bad for bidness!