Friday, May 30, 2014

'Tootime: Godzilla's a Technophobe

[credit: Rick McKee, Augusta Chronicle]
Wackydoodle sez:  Quick, try #LOL!
The King of Monsters does even own an EFD (Electronic Fetish Device*) so the the CO is wasting his time with a silly #! His party members facing re-election wish he would get their message: the economy is looks like Godzilla ate it and the VA scandal is rampant:

[credit: Nate Beeler, Columbus Dispatch]
BC Idonwanna sez: Feed him Shinseki, maybe he will get tummyache!

*Marx wrote (Das Capital) that human production of commodities, whether widgets or cell phones, is the dominant social relationship in a capitalist society; so much so that commodity instead of human labor is endowed with intrinsic or mystical value (fetishism), masking the real value of the human labor required to produce the commodity. Consequently, economic relations are described through exchange in markets that appear to move of themselves via the universal equivalent for exchange--money.  Adam Smith called it the "invisible hand".  Marx characterized commodity fetishism (his term) as "the fantastic form of a relation between things" instead of a human relation between exploited worker and capitalist.   A further consequence of this is the worker, whose effort is deemed valueless by society, becomes an alienated automaton having no control over his or her productive labor.  Nature itself is objectified and reduced to commodity--raw materials to be used in production.