Thursday, May 29, 2014

Vast Peat Bog Discovered

Just when you think there is nothing left to discover on Earth, she surprises you. Deep in what was Joseph Conrad labeled the "heart of darkness", the Congo rainforest, a huge peat bog the size of England has been discovered. On its way to becoming coal, the peat is burnable as fuel, so stay tuned for attempts to exploit this resource. The remote bog was not discovered by intrepid bush-wacking, but by satellite in orbit. A dry season expedition was sent out from Itanga village in Congo-Brazzaville to confirm the bog's existence. It is thought to contain billions of tons of carbon dating back 10,000 years. Tropical peat bogs are unusual. A scientist from Leeds University, UK said the bog is a huge carbon sink which left undisturbed can function as long term carbon storage and keep it out of the atmosphere. Even in the 21st Century little is know about the vast Congo Basin. Peat bogs also preserve a record of past vegetation and climate, so the bog has immense scientific value. Watch this video of the discovery: