Saturday, April 05, 2014

English Badger Cull Posponed

After a failing its own test for humane treatment of a protected indigenous mammal, the UK government postponed extended a badger cull to 10 other counties in England. However, culling will continue in Somerset and Gloucestershire. The experimental culls there also failed the government's effectiveness test since both culls failed to reach reduced goals of lethality. The head of the Badger Trust called on the government to abandon culling altogether and concentrate on vaccination programs. One commentator said the Tory government's continued investment in a culling policy is motivated by the European Commission's financial support of the UK's bovine TB programs. Besides the financial consideration, there is a mind set among rural interests that badgers should be exterminated regardless of humane considerations typified by Princess Anne. She is expected to say on the BBC's Countryfile program that she supports gassing badgers as a method of extermination. Her suggestion is even worse than shooting as a humane methodology. The Executive Director of the UK's Humane Society said gassing experiments carried out in the early 80's were abandoned because of the "appalling levels of suffering to which the badgers were exposed". He also said that HRH "should be better informed before making public statements on such controversial and divisive issues." In Wales the reintroduction of annual cattle testing and other bovine control measures resulted in a 48% reduction in the number of cows slaughtered because of bovine TB in a four year period. British animal advocates say badger culling is ineffective, expensive and according the government own data, not necessary to control the spread of the disease.