Monday, September 30, 2013

COTW: Coral Reefs Will Die Fast

Carbon dioxide dissolved in seawater is fast approaching the 450ppm level in which coral reefs stop growing. A consensus statement from 2600 marine biologists earlier this year says CO₂ at the current rate will warm sea temperatures by 2-3℃ and reduce pH levels from 8.1 to less than 7.9 or acidic. Storm intensity and frequency will also increase. These ocean conditions have not existed for 150 million years, at the time of the last reef die off. Coral living today cannot survive projected conditions. Already 25-30% of the world's coral reefs are severely degraded by human disturbance and increase in seawater temperature causing major bleaching and mortality.  The chart above shows there is a window of opportunity to act, but it is closing fast. A lack of concerted action by world governments means global temperatures are on track to rise to 6℃ by 2100, a catastrophic level. Instead of the meek, roaches may inherit the Earth.