Friday, January 25, 2013

'Toontime: Send in the Clowns

[credit: David Fitzsimmons, Arizona Star]
Shocked, shocked we say, that Bouncy would dare to lip sych our nation's anthem! But like everything else in Washington, her performance was staged in advanced. The spectacle was paid for by affluent donors and corporations  who will expect a quid pro quo irregardless of the noble sentiments expressed by the Obamados in his inauguration speech. Fewer people watched this one on television than his first, perhaps indicating they are not expecting much from such an artful dodger. US Person thinks the only change on display was the First Lady's new bangs as once again the Senate failed to fundamentally reform the filibuster.  It will still take a supermajority of sixty senators to pass legislation if the minority objects:
[credit: Christopher Weyant, The Hill]
Wackydoodle sez:  Looky there, its the Egg Man!