Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Greenland Ice Sheet Melts Faster Than Ever

At first scientists thought it was a hoax or an error, but NASA confirmed three orbiting satellites had captured data that shows the entire ice sheet of Greenland  melting at a rate never before seen. Measurements taken on July 8th (left) indicate 97% of the ice sheet had melted some by July 12. (red areas) The pink areas indicate only one satellite detected melting there. The finding is worrisome for climatoligsts who think the Earth may be on a cataclysmic path of global warming. If the entire ice sheet of Greenland which rests on land were to melt and flow into the ocean, the world's sea levels would rise by at at least 2 meters. That is disastrous for coastal and island communities. The flooding caused by Katrina would look like a heavy rainstorm compared to a six foot rise in sea level. Greenland's ice cap is about 3,000 meters deep in the center and thins out as it reaches the sea. About half of Greenland's ice melts each summer but scientists studying the effects of climate change in Greenland view this melting event as unprecedented. Just a few days ago, an iceberg the size of Manhattan broke off from the Petermann Glacier.

Another Earth map from NASA shows the severity and increase of fires in the United States from 2001 to this month.  The most intense fires are yellow:
Only people who are paid to deny or who are dangerously delusional can continue to deny the fact of anthropomorphic global warming.