Wednesday, October 06, 2010

60MPG Good for Business

The Department of Transportation issued a Notice of Intent  to make regulations requiring US automakers meet a 60mpg CAFE standard by 2025. The fifteen year lead time is intended to give industry and the public time to give input for the rule making process and develop technology. The public already supports higher mileage standards as shown by a national poll (66%) even if it adds $3000 to the price of a car. Eighty-three percent agree that the technology to dramatically increase mileage either already exists or could be developed if a serious effort were made. The current goal established by Forty-four & Folks is 35mpg by 2016. The Notice shows that automakers could reach the higher standard while saving purchasers between $5,700 and $7,400 over the life of vehicle in fuel costs. According to an independent analysis by theUnion of Concerned Scientists and the National Resources Defense Council the 60mpg standard could be met with a new car fleet comprised of hybrid petrol vehicles (55%) conventional petrol vehicles (30%), hybrid electric vehicles (10%) and battery electric vehicles (5%). EPA and DOT worked with California to write the technical report on which the standards are based. California retained its ability to set carbon limitations for itself under the federal Clean Air Act after it won a legal challenge from the Charlatan's regime to end its exemption.
