Friday, September 11, 2009

'Toontime: It's Not Your "Howdy Doody Time"

Wackydoodle sez: " 'N wear yer tin hats for protection!"

Back in the early sixties (I know some of you were not even alive) St. Ronnie Reagan performed as a corporate shill for General Electric before he decided to run for Governor of California. In 1961 he made a record for distribution to conservative groups explaining why Medicare was a bad idea. The record was titled, "Ronald Reagan Speaks Out Against Socialized Medicine". Similar to Glenn Beck and the rest of the right wing fringe's hysterical opposition to a public option health plan now, Ronnie believed that Medicare was a Trojan Horse, the real goal being the Socialist States of America. He warned against sentimental appeals for seniors receiving government sponsored health insurance: "Now, the advocates of this bill [Medicare], when you try to oppose it, challenge you on an emotional basis. They say, 'What would you do, throw these poor old people out to die with no medical attention?' That's ridiculous, and of course, no one has advocated it." Well, Ronnie, as usual was half right. There are emotional arguments being made, except they are being made by his side in this sixty year old debate. The right wingers fear government competition like a five year old fears the bogeyman. They fear uninsured Americans will choose the public option plan based on value and drive the private insurance companies out of business. Unfortunately, they may be correct in this assumption. But that is how we do things in America. If the majority opts to take out the government plan, so be it--the majority rules.