Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Letting the Criminal Justice System Work

If this is the start of a new trend in the handling of Gitmo detainees, it is certainly more consistent with our fundamental national values.  Ahmed Ghallani was brought to New York City early this morning for his trial in a federal court.  Ghallani is charged with participating in the attacks on the US Embassies in Tanzania and Kenya which killed more than 224 people including 12 Americans.   According to prosecutors he began his terrorist career delivering bomb parts on a bicycle, went on to become a document forger, a trainer at a terrorist camp, and bodyguard to bin Laden.   Four others have been tried and convicted for the bombings and all are serving life sentences.  So much for the political cheap shots-- the namby pamby NIMBY complaints about bringing terrorists to America*.  Upholding the rule of law requires more than groovy speeches by teleprompter--an electorial majority with some backbone and a national leader who believes what he says.   
*a leading example was broadcast by that Repugnant operating under cover, Senator Ben Nelson (D?-NE) on Fox Spews: http://thinkprogress.org/2009/05/24/nelson-guantanamo-torture/