Monday, March 24, 2008

Dialogue with Hillary: Bullets Over Bosnia

Hillary, the campaign is wearing you out and affecting your mind. Only your friends will tell you that. When you start talking about non-existent sniper bullets, its time to sit back and ask yourself, "Am I really willing to wreck the future of America so I can sit behind the desk in the Oval Office and tell Bill to get me a cup of coffee?" When your husband's former UN ambassador endorses the other candidate, that has got to tell you something. Instead you let your favorite junkyard dog, James Carville, compare Governor Richardson to Judas. Give America a break! You are not entitled to sit in the White House. Nobody owes you for standing by your wayward husband when he was titillating Monica instead of minding the store. Sure, you will win Pennsylvania. But Obama will win North Carolina, Oregon, Hawaii, and Indiana. You will still be behind in delegates won. The longer you prolong this race, the more difficult John W. McBush will be to beat. Is party loyalty a factor in your endless political calculus? Or is it you would rather see a Republican win in November than a liberal Democrat? Be a sweetheart and become Senate Majority Leader. Who knows-- you might be able to legislate universal health care and have your own record on which to run for president.