Thursday, December 06, 2007

The Man with Fireproof Underwear

He has to be wearing fireproof boxer shorts (tighty whities are not his style)! His pants are on fire because he is a liar, liar. Yet again the Charlatan proved the truth is meaningless to him. Even cynical DC is befuddled and amazed by the stunning turnabout in our official estimate of Iran's program to develop nuclear weapons. The bottom line on the subject is the National Intelligence Estimate that was released this week. It concluded that Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003. That conclusion is line with the IAEA's long held view that Iran is not currently attempting to develop a bomb. The International Atomic Energy Agency has gotten nothing but criticism from the Regime for that assessment. The Charlatan knew what the intelligence estimate said in August according to National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, yet he continues to blast Iran as a dangerous nation. In October he was talking about the start of WWIII because of the alleged Iranian weapons program. We know what to expect from the bunker now until it is time for the delusional to come out, but what is more worrisome is that one leading Democratic candidate to replace him voted to support his unjustified belligerence toward Iran.
Update: The Charlatan is down to his undies, but he keeps doing the jig faster than Irish clog dancers. At a press conference on Tuesday he told reporters:

I was made aware of the NIE last week. In August, I think it was John — Mike McConnell came in and said, We have some new information. He didn’t tell me what the information was. He did tell me it was going to take a while to analyze.

Actually, he was told in August that Iran might have suspended its weapons program according to the White House Press Secretary on Wednesday. Adm. Mike McConnell, the director of national intelligence, gave Bush a 'heads up' that new information might cause intelligence officials to change their assessment of the Iranian program, but said analysts needed to review the new data (intercepted Iranian military communications) before making a final judgment. Now the White House is falling all over itself to rectify the obvious inconsistencies in the story. Joe Biden's take on the Charlatan's latest misstep is correct, he is the most incompetent president in modern American history.
More:More evidence that the Charlatan is lying through his teeth about when he knew the truth about Iran's nuclear weapons program is the report in Israel's authoritative national newspaper, Haaretz, that the Israeli defense minister knew about the contents of the NIE a month before it was released. The Charlatan even discussed the report with the Israeli prime minister at the Annapolis peace conference according to leak meister Seymour Hersh. Gotchya!