Friday, January 26, 2007

Good News Friday

Not all is not negativity at Persona Non Grata. The US Humane Society informs me that the nation's largest pork producer, Smithfield Foods, Inc, has voluntarily decided to phase out the use of sow gestation crates over a ten year period (if only they would do it faster) The extremely small cages, 2x7 ft, prevent a sow from moving and forces them to give birth in their own filth for as much as 8 to 10 cycles. Their extreme, prolonged confinement literally drives the intelligent and social animals insane from stress. They also suffer from physical problems such as joint and leg pain as well as skin diseases caused by excrement. Sows under the new regime will be allowed to move about and socialize with others in larger group pens.

The practice is clearly abusive, but cost considerations prevailed to this point. The European Union is also abandoning the use of cages. Cages will be eliminated there by 2013. Perhaps Smithfield saw the signals when Arizona and Florida both passed initiatives in the past election banning the use of crates despite well financed opposition. Please remember that veal calves are still subjected to such abusive confinement. See the Humane Society's website for more information on this cruel practice.

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