Wednesday, December 06, 2006

A Bipartisan Mistake

The Iraq Study Group may have pleased the Charlatan by not setting a timetable for withdrawal but by not doing so they gave ball control up to the Iraqis. If "conditions on the ground" are allowed to control the pace of US withdrawal, the teetering government of Al-Maliki will be able to assert undue influence over our military's decision making. That's like letting your place holder instead of your quarterback call the signals. The insurgency will continue to punish American invaders whenever and wherever it can. The only operative contingency for them is seeing the last American leave their soil either standing or in a body bag. Our soldiers on the battlefield know some simple truths that their political leaders do not. Iraqi army and police are filled with zealots who can not be fully trusted in life and death situations and that they are caught in the middle of a fight to the finish between sectarian factions. Only one question should govern the rate of our withdrawal: is anything worthwhile being accomplished by the current force level. I think the answer to that question is an unqualified "no".

WEEKEND UPDATE: More indications that the ISG report is already trash is the Charlatan's rejection of some of the report's recommendations such as talking to Iran and Syria at a press briefing with his British lap dog in tow. As I said before, he has no motivation to give in before his time in office is up. Consequently, I predict that he will announce a significant troop increase just in time to spoil your Christmas holiday. Hawks in Congress like McCain are already on record for increased military effort. The ghost of Nixon still haunts the White House. Faced with defeat in Vietnam, he responded by escalating the conflict into Cambodia. So the Charlatan does the same thing because he can. The only way the Iraq debacle will end before the general election in 2008 is if Congress cuts off the funds. Unlikely since the Democrats have little to gain politically by appearing unpatriotic. The Corporate Media is doing its bit for 'victory' in Iraq too. The New York Post labeled Baker and Hamilton "defeat monkeys" on its frontpage. The TV talking heads are consistently spewing about the horrid consequences of withdrawal. So the ballyhooed change in strategy is not getting the Iraqis to do it, but sending more of our guys to do it for them. It like we never had a mid term election.

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